'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Winter is here.

The newsletter went today. In December we have to go through the whole palava again.

A definite drop in temperature overnight. Now we'll be cold for the next 7 months. At least.

Had pasta with creamy mushroom & bacon sauce for tea.

"Daar was ‘n vroeër tyd van drome droom,
Van vlinders-jag, van boom tot boom,
Van stil beloftes om die storievuur.
Onthou jy? iemand het geglimlag,
iemand het geweet
dat jy en ek tog iewers, eeendag,
alles sou vergeet.

En nou's daar niks wat ek kan doen nie;
niks kan ons versoen nie;
dis reeds diep in Junie ...
die somer is verby”

Koos du Plessis - Die somer is very

I'm now really depressed after reading the lyrics of this song and the others on the album - because it is depressing lyrics & because I've been reminded of the culture I'm missing not being in SA.

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