Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


You know that feeling when there just aren't enough hours in the day? Well that's how I feel at the moment except if the days were longer I'd just fill them with more stuff so I shouldn't complain!

Things are pretty manic at the moment and I feel like I'm treading water and just about keeping my head above the water. Needless to say I've been feeling a bit stressed but two things happened to me today which brought me back to my senses.
Firstly I teach a blind girl this year who really is an inspiration (and I'm sure she will feature as the year progresses) and as a teenager she wants to be as included as much as possible. During break today I went and collected a tandem bike so that we could ride it together. It was a bit wobbly getting started but once we got going we were whizzing around the track and then we ventured out onto the road leading into the forest and over the bumps, all the time with her telling me how wonderful it was.
The second thing that happened is our Special Education department sent an email out a couple of weeks ago inviting teachers to come for a cup of tea so we could get to know each other a bit better. It surprised me that I was one of the only ones who replied and they invited me today during lunchtime. I have to admit that I almost cancelled as I have been working through my lunches recently but I didn't want to let them down. They have their own special room and we went to what they call the chill out zone and I felt like I was some kind of VIP. They each took it in turns to introduce themselves and tell me their special need such as autism, downs syndrome and were encouraged to ask me questions as a way of developing their social skills. They were amazing (although the cup of tea was awful!) and they asked if they could have their photo taken with me (unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me as I would have liked one too). At the end they thanked me for making the time to visit them which really struck home with me and have asked me if I'd like to return in a few months. Bien sur!

After teaching and coaching I whizzed to pick the kids up from supervision getting frowns and disapproving looks from those who have no idea what it's like to be juggling so much and telling me that my kids are tired. I wasn't late but I was right at the limit and then being the bad parent that I am I had to take them to the supermarket! Taking kids to the shops is never much fun but at 6pm after a full day you're asking for trouble! We needed some essentials so I let the kids have a trolley each and we managed to battle and bump our way through the aisles. As you can see from the blip Dex has some kind of toy in his trolley and Olivia is wearing a Belgium themed garland and looking for chocolate but you know what I didn't mind as it's all about survival at the moment!

My Mum went into hospital today and I know she'll be reading this at some point and worrying about me and telling me how thin I am and that I do too much but you know what we're fine and it's time for me to do the worrying about you Mum! We're thinking of you and sending you lots of strength and positive vibes, x

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