
By cracker

Pirate Park!

This morning we had our meeting with Spence's teacher about his lack of motivation for school. She has been away all of last term so it was a shock to see Spence not his usual happy lovely self she said. She wondered if anything had happened last term or at home to cause the change.

Nothing has happened at home and we don't think anything has happened at school but towards the end of last term and still now he seems to be really tired. He goes to bed at 7pm which isn't late but he does wake up usually between 5.30 - 6am. He has been more whingey and complainey lately but we thought it was just the tiredness and being at school.

We are all just going to keep an eye on him and try and make everything exciting and hope that he goes back to his lovely self!

I looked after Leo today and it was forecast to be 33C so I took the kids to the park earlier than usual. Today we went to the Pirste Park at Happy Valley. It has a pirate ship, another forte, swings, slides and more. Joti and Leo had a great time!

We left after nearly two hours then they fell asleep on the way home but transferred into the house! We played some more, had lunch and I got out the little paddling pool we have and they had a naked splash around in there together!

Fleur, Craig and the kids came over for tea tonight which was really lovely. I made pizza dough from Fleur's recipe and we had home made pizzas!

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