
By Herbster


Today they tested Herbie for RSV, a respiratory virus and it came back positive. Which means we are not allowed out of the room and everyone entering has to wear mask, glamorous yellow coat and gloves. It's a long day in a room trying to entertain a poorly boy. J and Simone came at 5.30pm, bringing nice food for me, fresh fruit for H and a welcomed company. He is improving but not allowed out today. We have to leave it 48 hours until we see the real effect of the antibiotics. He continues to have the ventilator, which he is getting pretty good with, bless. Not nice to have that on your face with strange stuff coming out of it. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
The upside of isolation is we get a room to our selves, with en-suite toilet and I can just about see the sea from our window. Just like a hotel room really, only a LOT more expensive!!'

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