Lawnmower man
DDW's October Challenge Day 11 : A chore
Today has been a bit busy, a walk along the shore with the dogs after breakfast, then empty the work stuff out of my van and head to the little self catering place which mum and dad have just sold. Load the van with boxes of stuff, back to the house and unload boxes, back to the little house, load the van, back to the house and unload, put boxes in the loft, have some lunch, walk the dogs much further along the shore, cut the lawn, load the van with work stuff and get eaten alive by midges...
There are a few things in there that could be considered to be a chore, but cutting the lawn is probably top of the list today, mainly because the midges were chomping me to bits at the time. At least it didn't take as long as it did last time, and hopefully this might be the last cut of the year...
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