These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

my favorite thing...

Here it is! My first official crop of Tomatillos... I can not tell you how exciting this is. Over the past few years, my dad has introduced me to some foods that I never knew existed and one of those foods is Tomatillo Salsa. He makes a salsa with these little green fruits that is just heavenly. Then, we eat it with tortilla chips, on tacos, or even on our eggs in the morning. This year is the first year I've tried growing them myself. I've harvested two tomatillos so far, but didn't think I'd get enough for my own batch of salsa. However, they are coming on strong and will probably be ready in a couple short weeks! Heee haw!

We had a very fun day at the waterpark with friends! The kids swam and swam and swam some more and I worried and swam and worried and swam some more. A good part of the day, they both wore life jackets and I could sit back and enjoy the day. The rest of the time, they didn't want their life jackets and I had to stay within arms reach while they tested their abilities in swimming. Needless to say, I'm ready for bed.

Here's the tomatillo salsa recipe, if anyone is interested. You can also buy these little fruits in the grocery store!

Tomatillo Salsa

8 - 10 Tomatillos, cut in half and roasted
1/2 sweet onion
2-3 jalepenos, seeded, roasted and diced
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
juice from 1 lime
salt to taste
2-3 tsp sugar, depending on sweetness of the fruit
2-3 cloves of garlic

Roast the tomatillos and jalepenos in a skillet on the stove top. It's pretty simple to do. Just stir them constantly until they start browning and remove. Let cool. Chop all ingredients moderately, put in food processor and blend to desired consistency. Let cool in fridge. and enjoy!

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