
By conventgirl

Dea Roma - the goddess of Rome

I couldnt leave my blips of Rome without a statue and this one is full of symbolism as she looks down on the she-wolf feeding Romulus and Remus (it does rather look like she is raising a beer bottle in her right hand).

Today was a day for just strolling about. It seems as if all Romans do just that on a Sunday morning. We browsed in the windows of Gucci, Cartier, Armani etc in the morning and the tacky souvenir shops in the afternoon. Strolled through the Borghese Gardens and had lunch in a very swanky restaurant with a pianist tinkling away in the background.

And that was it. Time to make our way back to the airport. One of my friends is always worried that we wont be there in time and the bus didnt take as long as it should have done so we got to the airport just under 4 hrs before the flight!!!!.The flight was then delayed for an hour due to a thunderstorm and another hour at Gatwick because they couldnt find any steps for us to disembark. Then a 2 hour drive home.. I was very ready for bed by 2.30 AM.

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