
By conventgirl

Market day

During the night we had an almighty thunder storm and by 9 o'clock it showed no signs of getting any better so off we set with our brollies to tackle the bus system. Eventually found the right bus and worked out that we needed to get tickets before we got on. We found a lovely street market selling all sorts of exotic fruits and flowers. I don't think I can put a name to anything in this blip!

Then it was on to a lot of the touristy things in the centre - Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain (threw my coin in, of course), Pantheon etc. I am a massive fan of the film 'Roman Holiday' with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck so I spent much of the time spotting places from the film. My friends thought I was absolutely bonkers! I also have Volare and Quando, quando, quando running through my head as a soundtrack for the day.

Dinner was at a very bizarre restaurant. It was so corny and kitch but very wonderful.

Last day tomorrow but I do feel we have packed a great deal into the last 3 days.

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