Al Fresco

We had an unexpected visitor this morning - I was in the kitchen making breakfast and I saw a Fox in the middle of our garden staring in at me! Typically, my camera and iPhone were in the living room, and I knew that if I went to get the camera, the fox would be gone by the time I got back, so I just stood and watched it. It was a beauty and looked quite young and very healthy.

We know there's a Badger that comes into the garden although we've never actually seen it, and we've had our suspicions that there's a fox - our bird feeder had fallen and I moved it and propped it up on a plant pot until I had time to find somewhere else to hang it, and while I was away last week it disappeared! Alan said it had been moved from the plant pot to the middle of the garden and then the next day it had gone. So now we know who the culprit is! I often hear Louis growling at something in the back garden and I've always assumed it's the neighbours' cats, but now I'll check in case its the fox, and I'll make sure my camera is always handy.

Anyway, after breakfast we had to drive over to Shoreham to pick up some car mats we'd ordered, and we decided to carry on into Worthing. It's a lovely little seaside town, and it was sunny and surprisingly warm, so we sat outside for lunch at the beach by the pier. The pier is much smaller than the one in Brighton, but it's very traditional with lovely Art Deco buildings which you can see behind Alan.

We had a wander down the pier and then along the promenade before heading into town. It's been a very nice, unplanned day, and it was great to make the most of the weather before it changes tonight - there's more very heavy rain forecast. So my blip today is a photo of Al, fresco :-)

Hope you've all had a good day too!

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