Family Dog

By Family_Dog

I am Lion. Hear me roar...

Failed miserably to take any pictures of the cakes and happy faces at the very civilised Afternoon Tea for Cat's baby shower today. What's wrong with me?! Why don't I take photos any more?

Regardless, it was damn tasty.

Cat's wee face when she realised the surprise, I was worried she may bolt! In the end she decided to stay put, which was just as well as it ended up being a really lovely few hours.

I've been feeling pretty disengaged from all my lovely friends recently - all work and no play and all that - so it really felt like a life saver to hang with them for a little while and get my batteries recharged! I'm so lucky to have so many people in my life that mean so much to me.

Anyway. Where was I?

This little fluffy guy is Lion. His brother is called 'Beans' and the pair of them rate very highly up in my list of top 5 dogs I can actually bare to be around. Given that 2 of those dogs have passed over into the kennel in the sky, they rate very highly indeed.

This is Lion saying 'will you play with me?' To which I always reply 'no thank you, Dog, go away'. Heartless! I hear you cry, but no - Cat says the same whenever my children ask her the same thing, so we're equal. It's why we make such perfect friends.

Tonight Bry is out on the randan at our friends club Bubble. It will be amazing and I have a lump in my stomach of sheer envy but I'll be over it by the morning when I'm lovely and refreshed. We were both supposed to be out on the randan tonight, but alas - not a babysitter in sight. So Bry gets his turn to shake his bootaaaay on the dance floor tonight and I'll get my turn soon.

Bloody kids. I shall rename them 'Fun Stealers'. They better be grateful for all these sacrifices we're making! I want nothing less than at least one granny flat added to one of their houses where they will provide 24 hour care in our old age. No less than this I tell you!

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