
By MamaOfBoys

Wrecking ball

Now don't get too excited this blip has nothing to do with Miley Cyrus it is about actual Wrecking balls but not people who ride them naked. (who was the publicity wizard who came up with that anyway? Where did they get the Wrecking ball? And really naked? It does not look comfortable)

As I previously mentioned Mar loves construction. What I haven't told you is he also loves demolition (thank you Thomas the tank engine). Luckily for him both are occurring on a daily basis in our earthquake shaken broken city.
A building that was in the process of demolition collapsed of its own accord recently and with a part of it still intact they had to demolish it and they did with a crane and Wrecking ball.

I found the video on YouTube for him he then quickly proceeded to grab his crane, build a tower of Lego and knock it down. Excellent. I like this kind of play.
So while dadda and baby (and cat) slept Marley demolished. He was having a great time telling me 'I love demolition it's when I get to knock buildings down its the best fun' naww. This made me smile. Until he decided to swing the crane at other things like the wall, the window, his brothers head then I had to step in and confiscate his crane, that made him a tad angry so he decided to use his own head as a Wrecking ball. Sigh. Am definitely glad school holidays are almost done n:

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