Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

I Can't Help Myself.

I have some sort of reflection obsession.....

This was taken shortly after I had dropped my lens cover in the pond and was kneeling by the side, with my arm up to the elbow in pond gunk trying in vain to retrieve it. Just discovered they are £1.99 on Amazon - had I known that I may not have gone fishing!

My plan was to have a relaxing morning whilst waiting for Sainsbury's to do all the hard work and deliver my online shop. Then my mobile rang:-

"it's Sainsbury's deliveries - I'm outside your house and you're not in"

"er - you're not and I am "

etc etc for a few minutes.

"well I'm definitely at <<address>>"


He was at my father-in laws's in Wakefield.

So the relaxing shopping experience ended up with us having to collect the shopping from a store in Wakefield. But we saw Grandpa (who was very confused by the note in his door when he got home from church about his shopping having been taken back to the store) and introduced him to the delights of Frankie and Benny's, so all was not lost. Plus David got to drive to Wakefield and back so he's happy.

And this evening we got about an hour of blue sky, so all is good.

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