Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Aunty Vic, Uncle James and (the main event) Ellie came to stay yesterday. My kids were hyper when they arrived, just after we got home from school, so bedtime was a struggle.

Today we wandered into Hitchin. Met Vic's friend from Uni and her two children for coffee and cake at Just Desserts. A decadent treat, which we may repeat as the kids sat a coloured nicely before and after their cake.

The afternoon saw us walk a couple of miles along the Greenway with my two showing off their cycling to Uncles James and Aunty Vic. When we got home I wanted a group photo, but they weren't co-operating. Ellie initially didn't want to sit still, then when she did either mostly William or Carys were pulling a silly face. So this is a hard crop of one of the shots. If I were clever I could splice three together and make one decent one, but I am not clever so I can't!

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