Capital adventures

By marchmont

Last trek

After sitting in the bar till after midnight with T I sat on the balcony till well after 1. But I was still awake at 6 and did some packing.

The walk today was short and not very interesting. A late start and then a drive to the coast. There was little shade and it was 30 deg as we walked to the Crusader castle at Simena. That was interesting and I paid my 8 lira and climbed to the top. Fabulous views.

Back down for lunch on the quayside and then a trip on the boat across the sunken City. I think there was some snoozing on the way home.

I had a swim before my Hamm and massage. 2 lovely young Turkish men pummeling and scribing every bit of me. After a mud pack and apple tea I was smooth and shiny and very chilled.

We c went back to Kasim's for our latest meal. Amazing value, £11 for 2 courses and wine with complimentary mezes, baklava and coffee. R let us see her photos. Who is that small round woman with a floppy hat? Note to self, that diet HAS to start. And next week I'm on a boat with 3 meals a day and no walking!

Had sad news this morning, the reply to an email I sent 6 months ago. An old friend and colleague has incurable cancer. We were such good mates.

Gulet tomorrow and probably no blipping for a while.

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