Capital adventures

By marchmont

Transfer day

Our last beautiful morning in Kas. We left on the bus at 9.30 and retraced our steps from last week. I felt a bit odd about leaving the group and meeting up with a new one.

4 of us were left in a garage forecourt near Fethiye, then joined by another 3, all Explore! Luckily a minibus took us down to the gulet, parked/moored in Fethiye marina.

I was here 14 years ago. I don't recognise one bit of it. Things change.

I was very pleased to be allocated a cabin to myself, a double at the front - age over beauty. We had 3 hours to fill before the last 3 arrived off the plane. I went for lunch but unfortunately did not find the fish market where the restaurants cook the fish you've chosen for you. The fish and the vegetables looked wonderful though.

At 4 we had afternoon tea on the gulet, met Gorkem our leader and the group of ten introduced ourselves. 2 Scots, 1 American, a Swede and 6 English - 8 women and 2 men, less equally balanced than last week.

Then we sailed off out of Fethiye to Gemiler Island where we had dinner. I knew it was near to where we stayed in '99. I didn't realise till later just how near. There was much hilarity about a neighbouring gulet and a penguin. Then to my cabin. Just as well i am not sharing. There is not much room, and I have so much stuff....

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