family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

day 5. pool days

no plans today just a lazy day around the pool. 1st stop thoigh breakfast and we have quite a routine going now on who gets what etc. then off to the pool. we took the crocodile which was a big hit with all the other kids, so much so that they little canadian girl that erin has made friends with came back with one :) the two girls took their crocs and off they went to play.
caleb had been very grisly most of the morning he is teething (4 teeth) and dribbling like crazy and not liking the heat too much :)
erins water confidence is coming on a treat, she loves being thrown around and has gone under water all on her own lots! she has found a slid that she loves and even goes on it when we arent there, bare in mind for the last few days one of us had to be at the top while the other at the bottom ready to catch her.

after an evening shower we noticed that caleb has a bit of a rash on his arms, we thought maybe just the heat or his teething but later on it spread to his legs also. after we got back from tea and a bit of entertainment i put him in our bed as i wanted to keep an eye on him and wow he was hot. the rooms aircon keeps it nice and cool but he was on fire :(

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