Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Korean Fir

Today I am really hacked off. For the last two days I have been unable to get on to another web site that I use on a daily basis to upload pictures and keep in touch with friends.
It would appear that my ISP provider (Virgin) is the problem.
It feels like I have had my privilages removed for being a naughty boy but without beig told what I have done because I can access all other sites.

I have done a wee bit of gardening this morning, before the rain starts again.
It is a jungle out there and I expect to come accross a very old Japanese soldier any time..........
The closest I came to that this morning was taking this picture..........(stay with me - all will bec=ome clear)
It is my little Korean fir which I have grown from seed and is almost hiddden at the back of an overgrown border. This is only the 2nd year that it has produced cones and they are colouring up nicely and should be a nice bright blue/purple in the next couple of weeks.

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