Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Coughing and sneezing.

It's been a busy few days. There have been things with my health for a number of years now that have been completely outwith my control, they have had huge effects on my life and at many times, brought a lot of upset. There is still nothing that can be done about these things so I live with them, knowing that in some way, the experience is making me a better, stronger person.

If you follow my journal, you'll know that 3 days ago, I was diagnosed with an allergy to dust/dust mites. Whilst this (I doubt) has an effect on some of my health problems, it may explain my breathing problems/asthma, my sleep problems and also possibly my sensitivity to chemical detergents (apparently dust mites effect the skins natural protection against them).

The good news is, you can do something about dust! So in an attempt to bring me some relief, the boy and I have been throwing ourselves in to removing the dust from the flat. Not the easiest job when you're in a room that's really too small to hold two people's belongings so has a multitude of dust gathering spots and has a problem with mould due to a badly kept communal roof (or at least we think that's the problem) and has communal areas shared with 3 other people. I've been coughing and wheezing all day but I think we're past the worse now and there's a few deliveries arriving this week that should really help too.

Above is my "cleaning kit" consisting of a dust mask (for obvious reasons), The Boy's lab safety specs to reduce my eye irritation and a microfibre cloth, which once wet is the most amazing duster I've ever had. I don't know where it came from but it appears Lakeland sell them so may have to take a trip and stock up.

In other news:

My other flatmate returns tomorrow from her 3 month trip working at an American summer camp. Will be lovely to have her back.

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