Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Primarni Onesies

Busy day for the boys at school. They had their Harvest service....this is the first year (in nine) that I didn't send in a decorated box of harvest gifts. Seeing as I've had three boys in the school at one time and sent each of them in with a big box of goodies I have probably done more than my fair share but, oh, the guilt! The Harvest festival was very good and I was amazed by how confident and loud the teeny tots in reception are.

One of the songs performed in the festival was "Food Glorious Food" and the words were projected onto a screen so that everyone could sing-a-long....the word "indigestion" was written as "in-dye-gestion"....grrrr!

Anyway, they then had their annual book fair in the hall at the end of the school day. Did my two buy books? No, they bought these pointy things? And Rowan is modelling his new Primarni Onesie courtesy of Grandma. All is well in the world.

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