Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Good Enough To Eat

These are two soaps and a lip barm which I bought on Saturday from Roase & Co. Apothecary. The soap cup cakes smell and look so delicious that it will be a pity to actually use them! At least they have now been blipped for etenity.

My arms and back are aching like mad today after going to a Fit2Box class for the first time yesterday! Maybe the conclusion should be that I'm not fit enough 2 box....but I'll give it another go next week! No pain, no gain.

Rowan and I bathed Hovis today. He has some shampoo from the vets which we have to bath him in twice a week to start with. I couldn't believe how perfectly well behaved he was. He never used to stand still when I bathed him before but, since going to the groomers for the past couple of years, he must've been taught something because he never moved an inch. The only thing was, I let him outside after drying him and he covered himself in mud so I then had to bath him again. Daft dog!

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