Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Another slice of Pi

Another Raspberry Pi arrived today. Jamie has taken the one I bought last year and blipped here off to Uni with him.

I was beginning to get cabin crazy with the weather last week and had already toyed with the idea of a Pi Project so, another was ordered along with the camera module.

The first one took weeks, no, months to arrive. This one came in just a few days.

It was all set up and running quite quickly, although I have had chance to test the camera yet. As Jamie has taken my screens that have HDMI I only have the tv to use. Playtime is interrupted while Eastenders is on (not for me, but for she who has to be obeyed!) - A new screen is next on the list!

Of course, a blip was required.

The rest of the day has been quite successful too. We'll find out tomorrow. If it hasn't, it might just make the lead on the 6pm and 10pm news! If it has, you will hear no more of it!

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