Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

The takeover!

Alongside the footpath where I walk the dog there was for many years a fabulous tree. Huge it was. Big trunk and massive canopy. About two years ago it had to be felled, probably due to safety.

It has left a big hole in the skyline.

Over recent days, nature has instigated a takeover of the space around the stump that remains. No idea what kind of fungi these are, but there are stacks of them. I don't recall seeing anything like this before. The big single growths you get on both dead and live trees - yes. But nothing to this extent.

The hard decision was how to get an image. Go home and pick up a camera or just iPhone it. I had my phone above 6' off the ground. Now, I am a little shorter than that, so, I simply had no idea what I was getting. A bot of trial and error.

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