Views of my world

By rosamund


Although I wanted an outdoor blip today the weather was so dull and grey and there were periods where you couldn't even see the other side so I couldn't get any nice photos. Instead you have the weaving I took off the loom today (having warped up yesterday morning, I love being off). Usually my weaving is inspired by a photo but really the colours for this came from some gorgeous batts I got for my birthday from a dear friend, it was sheer serendipity that last nights sky did this for 5 minutes and I saw it as I was sitting at the window weaving so the two really do have to go together. Finished the cutting and started sewing the denim blocks for Noah's quilt, all going well so far. Also finished knitting the Calliope shawl, Calliope is the muse of epic poetry according to Freya, I don't know about poetic but this has been an epic feat to ignore overcome the mistakes I made along the way to reach the end. I'll block it tomorrow but you will get an artfully draped shot so you won't see all the glaring errors design features. I picked up Noah bright and early for the dentist, too early by far, the appointments are on Friday! Doh! More of the same tomorrow.

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