jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Making Robo-Men

We went to see Auntie Joan today, took a bootful of spare bits and bobs, and STILL ended up having to go round the shops for a change of clothes!

Bear is not well. He brought his breakfast up, and we wondered if he was just exhausted because he'd gone to bed hungry last night (too tired to wait for dinner) and then hadn't slept very well - we assumed because he was hungry but hindsight would suggest otherwise. But, thinking it was just hunger / tiredness, we still went out. I took spare clothes for the boys, but didn't even think to bring a change for me...

So Bear was hungry, and was persuaded to eat lots of the banana he'd asked for, and a drink, and then promptly brought it all back up, all over me and himself. At least he had a change of clothes but I had to borrow some clothes from Auntie Joan!

We headed out into town, praying Bear would go to sleep and not throw up all over the beautiful Monkey Mei Tai. We wandered up to the canal, fed the ducks with bird seed (after Bean told Auntie Joan that you shouldn't give ducks bread because it's bad for them - it swells in their tummies making them feel full when they're not, and stops them eating more nutritious food as a result), wandered down past Marple Locks and said hello to a fella in his canal boat who had two beautiful labradors who came up to say hello to us. Walked up past the skate park and Bean was entranced by a couple of lads on their bikes, racing up and around the ramps, flicking their bikes around. He wants a bike with pedals more than ever now ;-) Bean and Auntie Joan went for hot drink and a cake in the cafe while Bear and I had a wander around the charity shops to hunt for a change of clothes for me. Eventually we struck gold and I now have a new-to-me pair of shorts which fit better than any other I own - and are a size 10 as well! I've not managed to fit a size 10 in years :)

Back to the house to make dinner, and Auntie Joan brought out a bag of craft bits and the boys made Robo-Men out of pompoms and lollysticks!! Dinner was delicious, Steve arrived in time to eat, and Bear ate quite a lot of chicken. (Slightly concerned about getting home at this point.) Bean ate all his potatoes so between them they ate a balanced ish meal...

And eventually we got them home. They did both fall asleep in the car. And neither of them were sick in the car either thank goodness. And I even managed to get them into bed when we got home too!

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