Shorthorn hunk.

Do you think this is a lovesick face??

When we went for a walk today this chap was right up against the fence....and I mean right up.... leaning on a tiny wee fence which barely reached his middle.

Taking my life in my hands..... ever mindful of my dedication to blip.... I crept closer to get a shot. I wish we had snorty-vision on blip then you could hear him snorting and pawing the ground. You can maybe see that he is dribbling. I would like to say that this was with excitement at my being so close to him..... I have that effect on men (not)..... but was because there is a cow bulling (on heat) across the road!!

Nellie has no cow sense at all. She thought she would parade up and down in front of him just to get him even more riled up!! Don't worry...I think he has a date arranged with his lady in the near future. I spotted his newly pressed suit hanging on a tree and the smell of bovine aftershave in the air!!

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