Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Zeus baby, thank you very much

Had to laugh this afternoon as this lad played a blinder.

I am teaching them Ancient Greeks at the moment, and I have some mini-musicals that cover famous philosophers, gods and heroes. Yesterday I played them one song that portrays Zeus in an Elvis light, and they said that they wanted to learn it. I do like a bit of keenness so told them I'd get the words sorted out for today's lesson. One eager beaver asked if he could be the Zeus/Elvis part - sure.

So this afternoon, as I cued up the music he asked to be excused from the class to go to the water fountain, I thought nothing of it. He then reappeared wearing the Elvis wig and sunglasses that he had stashed in his bag!!!! Probably breaking a couple of H&S rules, I asked him to get up on the table and do some lip curls and pelvic wiggles during the number, to which he obliged to the delight of the screaming backing singers.

Each year, class dynamics are so different, and this cohort is proving to be a right laugh and up for anything.

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