
By merja

The dogs are not allowed to the sofa, or?

Are they?

Well, since she spends to much time home alone, we decided not even try that rule at our house. And since, not, she enjoys sofas and beds a lot. One can of course see better if laying on top of something.

In addition (and this still needs to be captured with my camera - I only have a very low res picture taken by my son with his old phone) she often climbs onto my son's desk... Yes, desk. It is conveniently located between his bed - and the window through which one can easily see who is on the front yard. As you can guess, my the desk (of a 12-years old boy) is rarely empty - at least not before she climbs there... when she leaves, that's another story.

She must consider herself as a tiny lapdog - not a full grown 18kg weighting beardie :)

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