
By merja

All frozen

... this morning.

It really looks inevitable - the winter is here. In Helsinki area, we did not get snow yet today - but most of Finland has a cover of snow or sleet already. Even we had a freeze in the morning, but still nice +7 degrees in the afternoon.

I need to admit that this is not my favourite time of the year (not my cup of tea, as someone would say)... the days are getting really short soon, and even during the daytime, it's still "darkish"... I really don't mind a real winter with white snow cover (and some sun shine, of course)... but the sleet, rain, snow, darkness... combination is really making me wonder what our ancestors thought when they wandered all the way up here :)

Well, of course, if willing to think positive - all the plants are now getting some rest - to grow again next spring... (in what, 7 months from now... ouch)

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