The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A morning of skivvying!

Mum has been increasingly anxious at bedtime, very unhappy at the prospect of spending the night in her room.

There's no logic, no point in discussing it (though I try). I have managed to jolly her along until last night when 5 minutes after going to bed she got up and went to bed in the spare room.

So this morning I de-cluttered and tidied her room to see if that helps - fingers crossed.

I desperately needed to get out this afternoon - so headed to my usual place in spite of torrential wind and rain.

Today's blip was very easy to choose! This is the only non-fox, non-deer photo I've taken all day!

I thought it was rather sweet that he was fishing from an official fishing peg! (Why ARE they called that?)

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