There and back again

By Mikes

River Axe

Talk about a day of two halves, I got up to rain and high winds to walk Jinxy then at about 11am it changed to this. This is the river Axe just before it tumbles into the sea at Axmouth and its taken looking up stream with the tide just changing.

There has been a port here since Roman times and the start of one of the branches of the Foss Way and today a small marina for yachts and fishing boats.

Good news at my photo club last night regarding out recent Photographic Exhibition. It turned out that in a pole of visitors for best liked images, I came out top with my three photographs each poling over ten hit each. No prizes but nice to know with over 80 excellent prints on show.

We have recently had a new young lady join out club and she startled us all last night by exhibiting a female nude for the critique!. That woke us all up.

Try this one in "Large"

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