
By Stace91

Cockatoo Party!

Nan finally got transferred to a private hospital!! Yay!!! After three weeks of set backs and trying to get this organised it has happened :-)

She isn't too impressed with me at the moment because I asked for this to happen instead of her going home, but as I explained to her I would rather make sure she is getting better care to ensure she is stable on her feet before she comes home so she doesn't end up back in hospital because she had a fall. I'm pretty sure I've done the right thing, but am feeling bad cause she ain't happy :-( bugger!

This place is great, the staff is friendly, the food is better, the physio and all understand nan and let her speak and they actually listen. I'm feeling super confident that nan will make a faster recovery and be home ASAP.

This is the view outside her room, she had little visitors. A small group of cockatoos having some fun in the sun. Nan has seen much of the outside world lately so it was nice to have these little guys flying around.

Another hot day in Sydney today, Jesus be a raindrop!

Hope everyone is well :-)


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