Attempting to understand...
I was recently introduced to Lord of the Rings, though quite long I actually enjoyed it once I figured out what was going on. An interesting tale even if it did go for 12 hours! And yes we did watch it one go...
I had not seen Game of Thrones and a friend of mine suggested because I like slasher films and all that, I should sink my teeth into this series. Not too certain if I like this show though... It's a tad awkward. I'm up to the 4th episode and I have cringed at most. Apparently it becomes less rude and coarse after the first season. Going to try and finish the first season...
Quite curious actually, Sean Bean is the lead actor in this show, but from my experience he never lasts in a movie. I wonder how many seasons he will be in and if it is in his contract that all of his characters must die... Hmmm.
Having a day to myself today, chillin on the couch. Will visit nan later in the arvo but for now... Tv and food are my friends.
Hope you're all having a nice weekend and being safe xx
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