
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Orange Is The New Black

Thank you wonderful blippers for your support yesterday. I appreciate it more than I can express. I had a big, important meeting with an institution yesterday that historically have not been fond of the work I now do at the day job. I was more than a little nervous. My bosses, who normally I don't bother much, are both on holiday this week so I called upon two other colleagues. That was really smart, if I do say so myself. The meeting went well with no little digs or asides partly, I think, because I had witnesses. Plus, they are both experts in their fields and know their stuff. When I couldn't answer a question, they could. All in all, it went about as well as could be expected. That said, there are no guarantees the rest of the road will be without bumps or potholes.

One day at a time and all that.

Thank you again for your support for this day. As you can imagine, it wasn't much of a day for photos. I took this shot of the sinks because it reminded me of Orange Is The New Black - a little bleak. I took this before the meeting. Looking at the photo now, however, it strikes me as perfectly functional and perhaps even a little bright due to the orange.

Isn't perspective a funny old thing?


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