
By WhiskyFoxtrot

A Love Supreme

Tuesday was a really good day. The morning was productive and all my colleagues were in so we had a giggle or two. Work always goes more easily with a bit of a laugh. The afternoon was spent at the Children's Panel where we were privileged to meet some extraordinary people. There are some heartbreaking stories but there is also strength, resilience and more love than you can poke a stick at.

The evening was spent in a nervous, hyper alert state of tension watching the football. I know it's exhausting to play but it really takes it out of me to watch. All is well - both Scotland and England won their respective matches and peace reigns supreme, at least in The People's Republic of Portobello.

This was taken on my ride back from the Panel. Soon we'll be needing bike lights but the light and the leaves on the journey back were beautiful.

Edit for Wednesday: I've got a big, scary meeting this afternoon. Any spare kind thought you might have hanging about would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! xx

LATE EDIT: All kindness gratefully received loud and clear. All went a-ok - hurrah!! Thank you so very much, fantabulous blippers!!

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