
By Houseonahill6

Fishy on a little dishy

Went to spend the day with my Mum and Dad at North Kessock. Not many buses run between Fortrose and North Kessock so it was either the 6.45am bus or the next one that arrived just before eleven.I decided to have a lay in and catch the later one.

We had lunch in The North Kessock hotel. It was really scrummy and I managed to eat it all and have a pudding too :)
Afterwards we had a walk along the front. One garden still had a mass of red roses and a very unusual cotoneaster bush that looked like a mushroom. A lady was slaving away in the garden, she was working very hard ;)

Richard and his girlfriend, Ashlene popped over and stayed for tea and cakes.
I made my way home and walked up the hill Again.

Grapefruits1100 had put a rhyme on a blip by Maid in Wales earlier in the week but I could nt remember all the words so made one up as I traipsed up the hill. It went like this :
Up the hill I go again, and my names not Jack or Jill, Glad I made it to the top, for I was just about to flop :)

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