
By Houseonahill6

Love letters in the sand

We found some beach art at Rosemarkie today. Only partly finished but I agreed with the words 'we love the beach' and was tempted to go down and finish laying the stones.
It was a bright start to the morning once the fog had lifted but had clouded over by the time my Mum,Dad and myself arrived in Rosemarkie for lunch. Had a tasty cheese burger at the beach café and then went for a walk along the beach. It was quite busy lots of people walking and little ones with fishing rods, some playing tennis all having a nice time. Did manage to find a few bits of beach glass and a couple of conkers.

We had a blipmeet with Sedge, Lyns, Draco and Garrie (although not a blipper himself he is a useful assistant to Draco carrying her heavy equipment :) )
We had a quick natter before we all headed our separate ways. It was lovely to meet Draco and Garrie and to see Lyns and Sedge again.We even saw the dolphins briefly as we left.

Managed to walk up the big hill to get home and can still walk and breath,lol

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