Misty mornings
It's often misty in the mornings now. Being on a rise, we see the fog, rather than being under it. Today there was just time for a quick snap from the back of the garage before the dash to school, and by the time I was back home to get my camera, it had burnt off.
A day made busier than it ought to have been by my printer stopping working. With the benefit of backblipping I can say that after trying every fixing technique I could find for it (short of replacing the capacitors which would have required refreshing my limited soldering skills...) what has actually worked is ignoring it overnight.
So, I was unable to print the documents I thought I might need for the first governing body meeting at school tonight. Happily, the meeting burbled on about all sorts of other stuff so I didn't need any documents. I've been elected Treasurer on the basis that numbers are the same in any language. And it looks as though the lady who does the books will not be replaced, so me and my vice-treasurer will be the new bookkeepers. Sigh. Perhaps if I can put my legal skills to work in getting more money in for the school (lots of the local communes don't pay what they should for kids in their commune) then I can convince them to hire someone 'proper'...
A late meeting, which meant leaving the kids on their own. They know all the strategies for safety (basically: run to a neighbour's house if anything happens, always stick together, don't play with matches, don't touch my secret chocolate stash....)
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