cowslip orchid..

...scientifically known as Caladenia flava and also known as the Butter Orchid.

It has been one of those peaceful and very productive day in front of the computer and to end the day, A and I had a very pleasant wander through the bush to an increasingly slow moving creek.
Astro is, needless to say, delighted by the fact he can now almost cross the creek at tummy level and I was delighted by this discovery of native orchids.
First described by Scotsman Archibald Menzies and then included by Scotsman Robert Brown in his 1810 survey of Australian flora, he gave this orchid the name it is known by today.

What multitaskers these blokes were. RB's 'task' was to give priority to plants, insects and birds but he also dabbled in geology and led a travelling team of illustrators, gardeners, mineralogists and astronomers.And all this 200 years ago.

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