
On a wet and leaf-filled forest floor...
three little daisies grew.
Do you think they know what's coming...
the fluffy stuff that matches their hue?

Soon, their petals will turn brown...
their centers will turn black.
Then...after six months of bleak and dark...
their colors will come back.

For now...they are still showing off...
brightening peoples day.
on my backyard pathway.

There are only about 3 colors left in our back forty. This white, some purple, and some pink. Those colors, and a Daddy Longlegs (spider) were all I saw.

I came in my back door, and opened my fridge for a mid-morning snack. Red grapes...OH YEAH...that's the ticket. I grabbed the bag, and opened it up.

AHHHH!!! I GRABBED THE WRONG BAG! It was cole slaw...Southwest cole slaw, at that. YECHHH! Even after washing twice...I can still smell it on my fingertips.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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