
By Wicksy

Boxes :)

Luckily, the work is fairly easy this morning, as I am feeling slightly delicate after last night. Wim asks us to help tidy the house and clean the windows before Sue gets home, so I very gently get to work. After lunch I am feeling a bit more human thankfully, as we are out collecting logs that have been chopped off the olive trees. Wim drives through the trees as John and throw the logs into the trailer. It is a hot day and Wim sets a fast pace for us to work. We then stack these up on palettes as they will be used for fire wood in the winter. Our last job for the day is to make up some boxes, which will be used for sending out samples of wine to magazines/critics. Wim shows us how this is done (after a few attempts he remembers how, bless him) then we have a go, Wim says it is easier working as a team so we make up the boxes together. We make it fun for ourselves by timing how quickly we can get it done, 14 seconds is our record by the time we are done! I challenge anyone to beat this! Sue and Wim pop into Martinborough for a wine tasting session later on, so we catch a ride with them. We are waiting for Sue and spot a truck absolutely covered in dirt and cobwebs, we only notice because it really is so utterly filthy, and it only belongs to the Brodie estate, our next WWOOFing host! I fear cleaning their truck might be on our list of jobs!

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