Back to his old self

have posted a couple of backblips for Wed. and Thu.

As you can see, little man is more like himself everyday. Here we see his pyromaniac tendencies have returned ;0)

We had a front bringing thunder & lightening last night and a good bit of rain. This morning was very cold and wet...which was quite exciting.
I have a habit of throwing junk mail into the firebox all summer so little man thought today would be a great day to set it all on fire. He had lots of fun throwing matches in it. We threw in a few small bits of wood from the back porch to see if we could get a real fire going but it didn't do anything....or did it? Hours, I mean many hours later, around dinner time, the wind picked up and became quite strong, then suddenly flames appeared in the closed up firebox! I'm sure the two were related. Mr Tex threw a big log in there and we enjoyed a lovely fire all evening with our family movie :0)

We also had our evaluation visit from the physio. lady today. She was very nice. She promised to get him a walker as he needs to get his leg straightened out and start walking. She gave us some exercises to do to stretch those leg muscles and said she'd be back on Tuesday.

Now I am camped out in the living room with little man and no 2 son.
Happy weekend everyone!

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