True Colours

Hygrocybe coccinea - Scarlet Waxcap.
After messing about with yesterday's shot, I've done very little to this one from today's foray with our local Natural History Society's Fungus Group. The colours shout for themselves! I was in two minds about joining this foray as it was quite a long way, being in the Eastern Moors to the South West of the City (Eastern refers to its position in the Peak District), and the weather was pretty foggy and drizzly. In the event, it dried out and even brightened up a bit, so I was glad I went. There were only 4 of us - the leader Jim, a new lady who wanted to learn about fungi, and Colin, who is one of the best wildlife stalkers and photographers I know. He's not on Blip, but you can see some of his photos on Flickr. His specialities are some of the wonderful creatures we get on our local moorland - red deer, mountain hares and adders.

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