
Audrey slurping on my cranberry juice through a straw over lunch earlier. Her face made me laugh!

Had a terrible night's sleep last night as she was up teething. Then I had a nightmare about her being kidnapped and couldn't get back to sleep.

Em, Audrey and I headed into Manchester this morning for a dash around the shops before heading to All Star for a gorgeous lunch. The food in there is so good (and that is not even me being biased or with my PR hat on!!)

Audrey and I napped this afternoon after Em left and we ran a few errands in Chorlton. Food shopping, why am I always food shopping???

Angus finishes his shift tonight and in theory shouldn't be working for a week (Mmmmm we'll see). Am so looking forward to spending some time with my husband, have missed him so much. Plans are some time together as a family in Anglesey as well as some day dates for just the two of us. Roll on next week...

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