Beachy Head

The weather has been awful today - very warm, but very wet! We decided to to to Eastbourne as I'd found a farm that has a huge pumpkin patch, farm shop and butchers. I've been wanting to blip pumpkins, and their display was amazing - there were so many, and I took lots of photos, and happy that I'd got my blip, we went into the farm shop and bought fillet steak for tonight and minted lamb steaks for tomorrow, amongst other things.

We then drove into Eastbourne as Alan wanted to go to the 'Belgian Cafe' that he'd found on the internet, and which is very close to the Pier. It was great - it's run by Belgian's and there are Tintin cut outs all over the place, plus they have over 50 different Belgian beers, so Alan was in his element. We had a very 'fancy' Croque Monsieur and a beer, and being the good wife that I am, I offered to drive home :-)

We then had a wander into town where Alan bought me a new camera! Mine has been so well used that it really is on it's last legs, and whilst I've been thinking of moving up to a DSLR, I've been really happy with mine, so decided to stick with what I know, but he's bought me the newer model.

On our way back, I suggested we went to Beachy Head as we've never been - the sky was so dramatic, and we were almost in the clouds but could see the sunlight down below on the town. It was an amazing sight, and I parked the car so we could go and have a look, but unfortunately it was difficult to capture on camera. But as we drove towards the 'head' we saw so many people walking along the cliff edge with the sun setting behind them, so I stopped the car again, and wound down the window. Without getting out, I took a few shots of which this is one. I love the silhouettes of all the people against the sky, so this had to be my blip, and the pumpkins had to go by the wayside! Unfortunately it's too far to go back to blip them again, so I'll have to try and find some closer to home.

It's been a really lovely day, despite the weather, and now I'd better go and cook the steak, hope it's good! The wine's already open, so 'cheers', hope you're having a good weekend!

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