As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Replant The Rockaways

So much happened today. Don't you dare tell yourself you don't have time to do something. There's always time.

I woke up at 7:30, picked up Max, and met Adam at Town Bagel. We drove to Rockaway Community Park for Replant the Rockaways, and event hosted by MillionTreesNYC. The goal was to plant 20,000 trees and shrubs in this park that was heavily damaged by Sandy last year. I could still see evidence of the damage from last year's storm driving down Peninsula Boulevard. It was strange seeing houses that were still boarded up. Anyway, the three of us were assigned to the Blue Team and we got to work quickly. There were well over 1,000 volunteers so we finished within two hours! I met up with some of my friends from Sc3 today too! And I even got to see Peg! That was probably the highlight of my day. We grabbed some lunch and chatted with the VSN kickline team before heading home.

I showered and picked up Max again to go to the school for band. I sold food in the snack shack before changing into my uniform and performing what might have been my last field show. I returned to the shack and sold until about 4:15. Then, I drove Max home, stopped in my house to get my cello, and drove to Albertson for my lesson.

After my lesson I drove to Westbury to meet up with Abby and Sparky. We chilled at Abby's house until we went to Friday's for dinner with Jake and Phil. That was definitely an interesting meal. Frozen yogurt followed, and I just got home from dropping Abby and Sparky off.

There is always enough time.

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