Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Brothers. Perhaps.

More bird-feeder success today. Three king parrots - I think an adult female (here on the right) and juvenile male on the left; I'm not sure about the third. Edit: I've had another look, and I think the female is actually not seen here; I think the one on the right is a somewhat older male, but still without all the bright red plumage. That would make sense of it being the aggressor in all the scraps, too. There was much squawking and flapping about, even snapping and fighting - with the adult female (mum?) generally being the snapper rather than the snap-ee. ;-) I have put a number of photos of them in my Flickr 'birds' set, but decided this one appealed the most.

Worth a larger look - and you should then be able to see the dust and scraps exploding out from the seed the female *(older young male) has just chomped.

We went out in the morning to lend a hand sorting one of the oceans of clothes that have been donated for people who've lost their homes. On the way back, stopping to grab something for lunch, I snapped an almost-hidden Great Urban Shopping Trolley. Mstr 6 was waiting with me while I set the exposure and snapped, and then with great excitement he informed there was "a little birdie" in the neighbouring bottle brush. On further enquiry he told me it was a lorikeet. I shot off a couple of shots through the foliage, then whipped around to the other side, and captured this, which does make me happy. That was with my manual 50 mm lens, which leaves me even more pleased.

And further in the feeling-pleased department, is my first ever Flickr Explore! It's amazing what 'Explore' does for eyeballs on your photos: as I type this it's over 17,000 views. O_O

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