From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A sign of hope on a rainy day...

It rained torrentially during the night and the leaky gutter outside my window kept me awake for most of the night. It was in a nice way though, as hearing the constant 'dunk, dunk, pling' when you are tucked up under the duvet is quite comforting. I soon drifted off in the early hours to drag myself out of bed at 8:30.

I've given up on television completely during Sunday daytimes as it's all politics or repeats of Saturday night junk. It was scrubbing brushes and rubber gloves at the ready so I got all the bird feeders down and gave them a good going over. You are supposed to clean them them out regularly. I've heard horror stories of birds dropping dead from feeding station infections. I think it's probably more a common thing where there isn't much of a turnover and uneaten food sits about for weeks. The birds are like locusts here most of the time with everything stripped bare in minutes under a blurred cloud of feathers..

News today? Well there is no news on a Sunday. Dinner at the Dog and Doublet but that's it really. It was quiet today as Aston Villa were playing Tottenham Hotspurs and the match was on Sky. There are no TVs in the D&D so it was a safe bet that the pub would be deserted. Jacket spud with broccoli bake as usual for me!

The only other thing today was that I did get my hotel room booked for Saturday the 25th of January when a bit of Stratford upon Avon turns into a bit of Edinburgh for a couple of days! David, Lesley and Shev are coming down here with their partners to celebrate David's big one! I'd said I'd go up there to Edinburgh but I suppose a trip to Stratford is a great idea and a lovely change of scenery for birthday celebrations. Now, I am all booked up too, I'm already looking forward to next year! Let's hope I don't get run over by a bus between now and then. I've not stayed overnight in Stratford before and always come back early evening every time I visit.

Anyway, I got a couple of reasonable shots of my tits as well as a squirrel as per usual before I left the house but after another deluge of rain while I was having dinner, this sign of hope appeared behind the trees.

Track? It has to be Rainbow, doesn't it? - All Night Long

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