From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

And now for something completely different....

If only that were true! It's the old story and I'm going in ever decreasing circles. Like a mad dog chasing its tail, same old same old, I was likely to tie myself in a knot and disappear up my own arse. A nicer thought would be to turn into a Tasmanian Devil and whirl about so fast I'd screw myself into the floor and come out on the other side of the earth.

With my lousy sense of direction, I expect I'd end up coming out on the Coventry Road a mile from where I started and get immediately splatted by a bus.....

Anyway, enough of my inane waffle! I have an unusual talent of shooting myself in the foot lately by saying too much. It's a good job I don't drive. I would have mown down thousands by now...

I went to Stratford upon Avon today as usual. Frank wasn't feeling great but popped into the Garrick Inn anyway.

This smiling fellow was over here on business from Boston and had a bit of a chat with us while he drank his beer. For a change, I told Ben about Blipfoto and actually asked if I could take a picture! I got his email address too and sent a note while I was on the way home asking if he had a preference for today's music.

Track? As chosen by Ben from Boston - Medicated Goo

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