
By Indy653

Sunday, Things and more things........

"Of all possessions a friend is the most precious."

Some favourite things; expresso machine I bought for husband's birthday a couple of years ago which only he can work, cups from Rachel, painting which I got for my birthday from friend, Liz - and which I love.

Busy day moving furniture in yet another room ready for wallpapering, cleaning paintwork and trying to sort out seemingly endless bags of things, folders from school, old photos, toys accumulating for grandchildren. I've hurt my back due to lifting Finn awkwardly and every so often I'd get a twinge of sharp pain and let out a yell. Eventually have just transferred the bags to another venue with the promise that I'll go through them all, one every night! Slightly panicky feeling realising how many things we seem to have. I read somewhere that you spend the first half of life gathering possessions and the next half trying to get rid of them. I'm well past the half-way stage - will I have enough time to sort out the wheat from the chaff?? Husband refuses to be worried by this and is making me a cup of coffee.

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