
By LifeInPictures


As it was our last day, we went to Tsambiki beach. i wanted to treath them with something. so i went to the woman who did the watersports and arranged something.

i got them to go with me. they didnt want to and were jelling at me how terrible i was that i was doing thia to them blablabla. i put on my lifevest and they followed me. we went on a round airmatrass which got pulled of by a speedboat. we were jelling and laughing so hard! there were also 2 other kids in there... im a little ashamed. haha.

it was a beautiful beach. and after that we went to another beach to dive. i didnt dive.

when we got back we packed our bags, returned the scooters and i dyed my hair red again :).

in the evening i found out there was a nest of kittens. one of them was screaming all the time really loud. i tried to give her some milk.

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